Structuring my Novel

I decided to put past my doubts and fears. Getting back to work on my space opera novel. This time I am working on the structure of the novel first. It is like planning out the key points. What I see happening in the novel from a overall view. It is helping me get past the blank page. It isn’t set in stone as I can change it anytime as I go.

The coolest thing is that I see it taking shape. Getting excited about it again. What I really like most about structuring the novel is finding the plot holes and plugging them. Or at least putting a patch on them.

The part I am now struggling with is making the plot points make sense without it becoming too far-fetched.

Oh well. It is space opera. Just run with it and make it work!

Fear of Not Being Read

I have many fears. Fears that have kept me from writing. The fear of not being good enough. People may critique it saying it is horribly bad. Go away. Don’t write again. Ever.

Or the fear of not being read.

I am facing that particular fear right now. I suspect it is because I haven’t written enough to be noticed. Every time I make a post, it is connected to my twitter feed. What goes into my twitter feed from me, goes into Facebook.

I get one, maybe two people reading it. Maybe.

Most of the time it goes unread.

Well. I suppose I should keep at it. Maybe someday someone might read it and say, “Holy shit! This is good stuff!” In my dreams, but you never know.

I will never know unless I write it and put it out there.